


– six Key Focus Areas for Seafood from the Living Sea

Amanda Seafoods is a part of the Nordic seafood group, Insula, and our sustainability strategy is integrated with Insula’s overarching goals.

For both Amanda and Insula, sustainability, as an ethical value, embodies a profound reverence for the environment, acknowledging nature’s abundance as a precious resource. It’s about honoring the sanctity of all life forms and adopting production and consumption practices that ensure the enduring fertility of our planet’s ecosystems.

Specifically for us, sustainability, as an ethical value, serves as the guiding force propelling the vitality of the living sea and safeguarding the ongoing existence of marine life. Hence, sustainability stands as an inherent and indispensable aspect of our operations.

Aligned with this ethos, Amanda Seafoods, in collaboration with Insula, has delineated six pivotal focus areas (see below) aimed at placing sustainability at the forefront of our endeavors and fostering our ambition to emerge as the foremost advocate of sustainable seafood in our markets.


We will strive to conduct responsible procurement and actively work to preserve the living sea.

Therefore, we aim to become experts in sustainable fish and seafood, enabling us to set requirements for our suppliers.

Furthermore, we will solidify our commitment to the living sea through activities that contribute to responsible fishing and management, thus establishing ourselves as a trustworthy supplier to our customers.


We aim to reduce food waste at all levels of the value chain and make it easy for our customers to do the same.

To achieve this, we will strive to develop products and packaging that assist both customers and consumers in reducing their own food waste, while also being sustainable in themselves.

Furthermore, we will utilize all parts of the fish we purchase, actively reducing food waste in our own production processes.



We aim to contribute to reducing the use of single-use packaging by prioritizing reusable packaging at all levels.

To achieve this, we will strive to reduce the use of single-use packaging and gradually transition to reusable packaging throughout the value chain. Plastic is the initial focus area in this process.

Additionally, we will prioritize the reuse of packaging at our own facilities and locations.


We aim to create excellent workplaces and make positive contributions to the local community.

To achieve this, we will foster a company culture that respects and considers others. We will establish a safe, healthy, and inclusive work environment that promotes fair treatment of employees, and where ethical conduct is acknowledged and valued.

Furthermore, we will make positive contributions to the communities in which we operate. For example, through initiatives that promote the well-being and health of children and youth.


We aim to decrease our energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

To achieve this, we will actively work to reduce our energy consumption and utilize renewable energy sources where possible. Additionally, we will strive to set requirements for both our own and our suppliers’ transportation activities.

Furthermore, we will minimize travel activity by utilizing digital communication wherever possible, without compromising on quality and growth.


We aim to contribute to better public health through nutritious seafood.

To achieve this, we will play a significant role in promoting healthy and sustainable seafood. This includes developing and offering products that encourage more people to eat fish, initiatives that enhance public health, and by reducing red meat consumption, thereby contributing to a healthier climate.